
This document contains some more detailed information on cards.


Card objects have the same structure that is shown in the Archive model structure, and hence you can access all of its parameters easily:

# card = Card(...)

title = card.title
description = card.description
content = card.content
tags = card.tags
modified = card.modified

The title, description and content attributes are strings, while tags is a list of strings and modified is a datetime stamp.

Tag strings and lists

Although tags are stored in the archive as a single string, in which each tag is separated by a whitespace, the Card object has its tags accesible as a list of strings. This list is alphabetically sorted, in lowercase and does not contain any repeated values (the library will make sure all of the three rules are present when creating a new card).

In order to convert a tag string to a tag list or viceversa, you can use the following static methods in the card module:

from infocards.card import Card

my_tag_string = "This is my tag list and it is awesome"

my_tag_list = Card.tag_list(my_tag_string)
# ['and', 'awesome', 'is', 'it', 'list', 'my', 'tag', 'this']

my_new_tag_string = Card.tag_string(my_tag_list)
# 'and awesome is it list my tag this'

Modify values of a card

As shown in the Getting Started document, editing a card is as simple as changing the value of its attributes. For example:

from infocards.card import Card

# card = Card(...)

# Changing card title
card.title = 'This is the new title'

# Changing description
card.description = 'This is the new description'

# Deleting content
card.content = ''

# Adding a tag

It would not make much sense to modify the modified attribute, as it is set automatically when inserting or modifying the card.