The following examples suppose a SQLite connection, however they are exactly the same for the other database types:

from infocards.archive import Archive

arc = Archive(

Creating a card

Make sure that you use a unique title!

my_new_card = ar.new_card(
    'My title',
    'My short description',
    'My main content. Can be very long.',
    'my space separated tags',

When creating a new card, a CardObj instance with the information you entered is returned. Also note that the last argument is completely optional, and if left empty it will default to 'UNKNOWN'.

Creating a section

Again, make sure you use a unique name!

my_new_section = ar.new_section('Section name')

Similar to creating a card, returns a SectionObj instance of the newly created section.

Deleting a card

In order to delete a card, you may identify it by id which has higher priority,or by title:

# Deleting a card by id

# Deleting a card by title
ar.delete_card(title='My title')

# You can also specify both, but id will take preference
ar.delete_card(title='My title', cid=23)

Deleting a card will also delete all the Relations the card appeared in.

Deleting a section

Pretty similar to deleting a card, but instead of title, you can identify a section by name:

# Deleting a section by id

# Deleting a card by title
ar.delete_section(name='My title')

# You can also specify both, but id will take preference
ar.delete_section(name='My title', sid=23)

Deleting a section will also delete all the Relations the section appeared in.

Adding a card to a section

# Card and Section can be specified by id
ar.add_card_to_section(self, cid=23, sid=2)

# or by title and name
ar.add_card_to_section(self, ctitle='My title', sname='Section name')

Removing a card from a section

Pretty similar to the addition case:

# Card and Section can be specified by id
ar.remove_card_from_section(self, cid=23, sid=2)

# or by title and name
ar.remove_card_from_section(self, ctitle='My title', sname='Section name')

Getting a list of cards

# This is a generator!
cards =

for c in cards:
    print(, c.title)

Note that this returns a generator!

Getting a list of sections

# This is a generator!
sections = ar.sections()

for s in sections:

Note that this returns a generator!

Getting a single card

A single card is obtained either by id or by title, although priority is given to the id:

# Getting by id
card = ar.get_card(cid=23)

# Getting by title
card = ar.get_card(title='My title')

Getting the sections a card appears in

Once you obtain a card, you can find out which sections it appears in very easily:

# This is a generator!
sections = card.sections()

for s in sections:

Note that this returns a generator!

Getting a single section

In this case, a section can be obtained either by id or name, although priority is given to the name:

# Getting by name
section = ar.get_section(name='My section')

# Getting by id
section = ar.get_section(sid=23)

Getting the cards present in a given section

Once you obtain a section, you can also find out the cards contained in that specific section:

# This is a generator!
cards =

for c in cards:
    print(, c.title)

Note that this returns a generator!

Modifying a card

In order to modify a card in the archive, you may follow a couple of approaches:

  • Object approach: from a previously obtained card, edit its fields and use them to update the card. Note that all the fields present in the object will be used in the update.
# First we obtain a card
card = ar.get_card(cid=23)

# Modify some values
card.title = 'New title'
card.content = 'Now with more content than ever!'
card.tags += ' new tags for my list'

# Update the card
card = ar.modify_card(card=card, author='rmed')
  • Argument approach: specify the arguments to update manually. Only those arguments passed to the function will be updated.
# Specify the values
title = 'New title'
content = 'Noew with more content than ever!'
tags = 'a few tags to substitute'

# We may also specify the card by title
card = ar.modify_card(cid=23, title=title, content=content, tags=tags)

Note that both of these return the updated instance of the card, or None if the card to modify does not exist.

Renaming a section

As before, you can identify the section to modify either by id or name:

# By id
newsec = ar.rename_section('New name', sid=13)

# By name
newsec = ar.rename_section('New name', oldname='My section')

This returns a SectionObj instance with the new name.

Searching for cards

When searching for cards in the archive, you may do so in the whole archive or narrow the search to a specific section. The search query should be a string of whitespace separated terms that will be compared against each card.

There are two additional arguments here:

  • likelihood: indicates percentage for which to words are considered similar
  • relevance: indicates percentage of query terms that should be present in a card for it to be considered relevant

Generally speaking, default values likelihood=80 and relevance=50 should suffice most of the cases, but feel free to play with it to adapt it to your needs.

# Simple search in all the archive
result ='my search query')

# Search in a specific section by id
result ='my search query', sid=13)

# Search in a specific section by name
result ='my search query', sname='My section')

# Modify search relevance arguments
result ='my search query', likelihood=50, relevance=10)

for card in result:
    print(, card.title)

Note that this returns a generator!